Last weekend our grandparents took us to the zoo! :) It was wonderful to see so many of God's amazing creatures in one place. Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma!
The boys got to feed the giraffes. I remember doing that probably five or more years ago... hopefully Ian and Seth will remember it for a long time, too!
Emily, we didn't get any pictures of elephants because we found out they had to get rid of them! How sad... :(
Haha :) It started raining at the end of the day. Seth tried to wear a poncho, but it was dragging on the ground... so he took it off. :)
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
Romans 1:20
We are completely without excuse! God clearly reveals himself to each and every one of His children. Do you really think all this came about by random processes and CHANCE?
Soli Deo Gloria!!!
They got rid of the elephants :-( How sad! Maybe someday they will come back??? I hope so! Hope to talk to you soon!
It looks like you'll had fun, Marissa! I love all the photos you shared. Isn't God's creation so wonderful?!? Hope you're having a blessed day!
P.S. I'm hoping to start the friendship afghans on the 15th and would love to have you join me! Stop by my blog and let me know if you can participate!
I love going to the zoo! It looks like you had a great trip. :)
Those are great pictures! I think my favorite would have to be the giraffes. They are so tall and majestic! Thanks for sharing:-)
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