We've been going up to this cottage with our Godfamily (don't ask) for the last 15 years. This year was the best yet in my opinion!

Chester kids on a Lake Michigan beach
We saw so many beautiful places up there! It really makes you awed at God's imagination, creativity, and power!

Rest stop on the way there! It took us 3 hours and 59 minutes to get there--I think that's a record! But... it took us about 5 hours to get home! With getting lost, lots of stops, and the dog getting sick, it was a much longer ride. :P Definitely worth it to spend a few days at the cottage with some of our favorite people, though!

Rest stop again!

Love this kid(:

Steel drum band on Lake Michigan! This was one of the coolest parts of the trip! A bunch of kids banging on steel barrels to put it simply. It was SO AMAZING!

Farmer's market! The kids got to be part of the band for a bit! (:

Fishing at the cottage on our small lake. We caught a lot of perch and catfish! I also learned to clean fish this weekend. Yummy!

Tractor ride! What a cool family we are(: haha

Andi, Luke and I in the lake.
I'm so thankful for my amazing Godfamily. <3 We have such a blast with them every time. Riding waves in Lake Michigan, singing country at the top of our lungs, fishing, going to Narnia (;, hiking in the woods, walking around downtown.. these guys are great.
August 2011 has been one of the best months of my life! Life is what you make it, ya know? If you wanna make it great, it will be. So put on a smile and be happy you're alive! God is so good to us(:
You guys are having way too much fun this summer! :-)
Looks like a lot of fun!
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