There's so much to think about. Life is insane--and so uncertain. Our house recently sold, and we have to be out in 2 weeks...and we don't have a house to buy! Where are we going to live? What should I do next year as far as school? What about after that? Every day I face so many choices, as does everyone!
It doesn't matter. Well, okay, it matters. It matters a lot. Because we are HERE to glorify God. There's a lot of decisions that don't glorify Him, and a lot that do! The only way we can know is by reading His Word. But, if we're living for Jesus, glorifying Him and setting His example in everything, keeping our focus on Him in every minute of ever day, it really doesn't matter what we do. We're only going to be here for a little while. If we suffer, it's okay. And we WILL suffer. Still, it's only for a little while. We can take ANYTHING for this short time that we're here, because we're longing for something so much greater...and it's so real.

One day...we'll spend our days on acres and acres of beautiful, rolling hills. We'll live in a mansion. There'll be crystal clear streams bubbling with the clearest, purest water you'll ever taste. There'll be no more missing people. We'll get to spend every day with them. There will be no more of that painful, longing for more of Jesus, because we'll have Him. We'll be basking in His presence. And you know that music that just hits you hard? You think it's the most beautiful worship music you've ever heard, and it takes you right to the throne of God? We'll be a part of that music- x 98234745679834. There'll be no more pain. No more heartache. We'll be able to give the most amazing, long hugs in heaven. We'll be able to dance more beautifully than we've ever even seen here. Our bodies will be perfect. We'll spend our days running, basking in the perfect love of God, loving others, having bonfires, walking through the woods, swimming in the lake, being in fellowship with ALL believers and with God...

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
We can take anything here, because it's for such a short while. Never lose heart. <3
I wanna run on greener pastures
I wanna dance on higher hills
I wanna drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
My soul is getting restless for the place where I belong
I can't wait to join the angels and sing
My heaven song
No way!! That's so cool that you guys finally sold your house! :) I'll be praying for your family... hope you find a home soon. <3
Hey Heyy I'm praying for you guys! Love youu
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