Well, it's been three months since I last posted, but I've been putting it off because this is the post that's been coming for about eight years (although, I wasn't blogging eight years ago... oh well). Here it FINALLY is:
Since I was ten years old, my family has wanted to move out to the country. It's not that we didn't like our house in the neighborhood, it's just that all of us love the country. (: We had our house on the market on and off for eight years. Man, I won't be disappointed if I never have to prepare for an open house again! (; Haha, nah, it's not that bad, but trying to sell a house can be a lot of work.
In October, we had a couple come to look at our house. We've gone through the whole 'showing the house' process MANY times, and nothing ever came of it, so we weren't too excited. Well, the next thing we knew, they wanted to move in--in two weeks. We frantically searched for a house to move to (we were looking in the same general area), but nothing was going well. After a couple fall-throughs, we ended up moving in with family friends from our church for six weeks. Then, finally, the day after I turned 18, God brought us to the place we've been praying for for so long...
(It's not really that big, the back half is the garage... (: )
I couldn't be more thankful for being out here. Almost every day I wake up and ask myself if it's really real! I think God's greatest message to me in all of this is this:
He hears every prayer. Never stop praying because He doesn't answer right away. He may be just waiting for the perfect time...
I've learned so much about..well..everything in the past couple months. God is so good. I haven't taken many pictures since December, but here are some more:

Guest house

1 comment:
I love the guest house!
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